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The Patience Program

  • 21 день
  • 22 задания
a blurred image of a pink , white and blue background

О марафоне

This programme is crafted to significantly boost your levels of patience, addressing issues often caused by excessive anger and frustration. Through a carefully structured and interactive process, you will learn to manage your emotions more effectively and cultivate a deeper sense of calm and understanding. Each step of the programme is designed to guide you through practical exercises and insights, requiring your dedication and commitment to follow through. By embracing the full process, you will not only enhance your patience but also experience profound personal growth and improvement in your daily interactions. Dive into this journey and discover how it can positively transform your life. David


  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Patience
  • Lesson 2: The Importance of Patience
  • Lesson 3: Different Perspectives on Humility
  • Lesson 4: What Patience Prevents
  • Lesson 1: Self-Assessment


50,00 £
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