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Debate Club | Free-Speech Discussion ⚖️
Debate Club | Free-Speech Discussion ⚖️

пн, 17 янв.



Debate Club | Free-Speech Discussion ⚖️

A place to practice the art of debate. What's better, cats or dogs?

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Время и место

17 янв. 2022 г., 17:00 – 18:00 GMT


О событии

In these events, we choose an interesting (and sometimes silly!) question like "What's better, cats or dogs?" for the purpose of engaging in lively debate and developing our debating skills through direct experience.

This is like a sandbox for trying out new techniques and ideas. 

We'll often pause to discuss the nature of debate, and what makes a good argument good. If I spy any nerds in the audience, we'll also get into the nitty gritty of vocal tonality, grammar, body language, and more.

You can expect a refreshing 60 minutes of laughter, drama, and interesting new insights as we explore the art of debate first-hand.

Be sure to discuss any insights gained in the Debate Club group, here on Information Paradise.


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