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Personal Development

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Wishing everyone well on goals / aspirations for 2024! Got to remember to not only pursue things on paper but to become..

In January I was chopping up raw chicken in a pakora factory in a cold, windy town in east Scotland, and although many people would have loved to be in my situation, it still really sucked.

Now I'm travelling in Spain and life is much better. But in 2024 I can focus much more on Inspiration Paradise and my art business. (I have a business with a relative but I don't really wanna share them publicly :/ I dunno, I've watched The Social Network and it freaked me out)

I've been focusing on women too much, when the reality is that the women I'm interested in are only interested in guys who are super successful. Therefore, I must increase my success this year, and I think that this will come from much more focus on business.

One by thing that's kind of on my mind is that I was given…

I can't remember the last time I heard the word 'courage' being used by any modern source of entertainment or information

Courage is essential for solving the most important practical problems in life

What I feared when I was a teenager was becoming comfortable in life, because then I'd no longer need courage in order to sustain myself, and without courage it's very hard to avoid stasis

Courage is like a muscle that gets weaker if we don't use it

As I begin travelling south across France next week there will be challenges that require courage to fix - there are real dangers that I won't enumarate here just in case 'speaking into existence' works the other way around...

This whole topic is very masculine, related to morality, duty, etc.

An insight from a session:

"Live a life that God enjoys watching."

This would resonate mostly with people who are embracing Spiral Dynamics Stage Orange / Green 👍🏼

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Welcome to the Personal Development group, a community dedic...



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